Shindig PDF Pattern
Shindig PDF Pattern

Shindig PDF Pattern

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CLPJBL002 68in x 85in. The Creative Grids Straight Out of Line Tool (CGRKA3) is required. The Creative Grids 10-1/2in square (CGR10) and the Creative Grids Folded Corner Clipper (CGRFCC or CGRFCCXL) are recommended. Designed by Jill Blair. This pattern includes fabric requirements and instructions to complete project shown. Beginner skill level.

Shindig is made from 80 ten-inch squares. You can choose to use one pack of forty and use the same contrast fabric. Or, use two packs and mix and match to your hearts content! Picking the fabrics for each set of four blocks is half the fun.

This is the perfect group or beginner quilt. Since the blocks are all trimmed to the same size AFTER the angled seam is sewn, all the blocks are the same size. And since none of those angled seams meet, it goes together like a dream.!

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